ACME built the replica weapons for the first MCAT trainers under the SBIR.
ACME built the replica weapons for the first MCAT trainers under the SBIR and they’ve been used in training for years.
We have a proven, off-the-shelf design, ready right now to support your trainers in the MCAT production phase.
The MCAT replica weapons use our patented electric recoil system proven in the MCAT again and again by many ACME customers for almost a decade.
ACME’s weapon training systems combine highly realistic replica (non-weapon) guns, our patented, Gun Active Recoil System (GAR®) weapon cradle, and the electronics to drive it.
Here’s some details on how ACME can help you win the MCAT Contract. This information is just a start. We’re always available if you have questions or want more information.
Requirement: Multiple Weapon Types
ACME offers a ready-now, COTS system designs for the required M240, GAU-17 and GAU-21 weapons. No need for extensive design, source data searches, or on-site reverse engineering.
Requirement: Multiple Aircraft Configurations
MCAT requires training for the CH-53, MV-22, and UH-1Y aircraft. ACME has built weapon systems including mounts for each aircraft. We have produced reconfigurable MCAT weapon mounts that work on multiple aircraft–this could be a strong cost-saving discriminator.
Requirement: Multiple Gunnery
Ramp, window, and door gunnery stations are required for the MCAT depending on aircraft type. ACME has built mounts that meet the unique requirements for each weapon type, on each aircraft, at each required gunnery position.
Requirement: Realistic Rate of Fire and Recoil
ACME’s patented system replicates the proper rate of fire for each weapon and the proper recoil force. ACME GAR systems replicate the unique recoil sensations from the ultra-high rates of fire in GAU-21 and GAU-17.
Fill out the information below to get your MCAT Requirements Brochure detailing ACME’s offerings for this program:
[breezingforms name=”MCAT_ContactForm”]