ACME H-60 Dynamic Motion Seat System

ACME Helicopter Dynamic Motion Seat Delivers Pitch, Roll, and Yaw Cueing
ACME’s H-60 helicopter dynamic motion seats are a combination of vehicle crew seats with electric motion components built inside the seat. The seats look, feel, and function like actual crew seats, and provide cues to emulate sensations felt during the vehicle or in-flight operations. ACME seats translate simulator acceleration signals into realistic, convincing motion. True Q® seats provide a higher level of cueing, where the motion IS training, for example feeling unique signature sensations such as translation lift between Helicopters vertical and horizontal flight or the difference between a helicopter rotor out of balance or a blade of track.
The Sikorsky SH-60/MH-60 Seahawk (or Sea Hawk) is a twin turboshaft engine, multi-mission United States Navy helicopter based on the United States Army UH-60 Black Hawk and a member of the Sikorsky S-70 family. The most significant airframe modification is a hinged tail to reduce its footprint aboard ships.
ACME Worldwide Enterprises Dynamic Motion Seats are in the 5th Generation of evolution. The product line is robust and well-tested to be used in a high-intensity training environment. ACME offers a military grade solution for delivering patented motion cueing to any H-60 Simulator or Part Task Trainer.
Standard SH-60 / HH-60H / MH-60 Seahawk True Q® Dynamic Motion Seat Features:
ACME True Q® DMS offers many standard base features for your simulator motion solutions.
- Dynamic Motion Seat (DMS)
- Electronics Chassis
- DMS Computer System (Can drive 2 Electronic Chassis and 2 Seats)
- Connecting Cables
- DMS Maintenance Manuals
- Daily Operational Readiness Test (DORT) Software
- DMS Autotest – Capability that performs a complete performance test on the seat. All axis are exercised to verify the displacement, velocity, and acceleration performance of the seat using sensors that are independent of the normal drive equipment. This test is used to verify the DMS meets or exceeds all required performance criteria and to establish a performance baseline. The baseline can then be compared throughout the life cycle of the DMS for certification and maintenance purposes.
- Vertical seat adjustments
- Electric motors eliminates expensive hydraulics and maintenance intensive pneumatic systems
- Easy access to system components for maintenance and tuning
- Standard Safety Switches/Systems: Weight on Seat / Loss of Signal at DMS Computer / Crew Enable / Self Monitoring